Yes, that's right folks, HALLOWEEN JACK 3D is now finished... So what's happening now?
There's still got a lot of fun stuff to do before the release in September, such as:
* Making and packaging of the BlurRay, in all it's different 3D and 2D goodness.
* Getting the film into Horror Film Festivals... there looks to be a couple who seem excited to have our film, I'll keep you all posted when I know!
* Testing out the 3D Pop-Up Cinema and holding the screenings.
* Collating all the artwork for online and print media.
I could go on, but there are a few things I want to surprise you with between now and September/October.
We're almost there and I can't wait for you all to see it. It's a true Live-Stream Theatre syle film that I think/hope you're going to enjoy...